Tuesday, April 18, 2006

B.G.S.M.B.R.W.R.P. #60399-7

Coincidentally, I drove by the Broadmoor Green Space Migratory Bird Refuge and Wetlands Reclamation Project just a day before The Times-Picayune printed a story highlighting the project.

Carey Herman and her husband Paul Rogers are doing their share to fulfill the Bring New Orleans Back Commission's desire to turn parts of the city into green space.

Since the T-P didn't post theirs, here are my photos of the B.G.S.M.B.R.W.R.P:

Perhaps Editor B should consider creating a green space for his sewerage situation. Heck, maybe there's even some grant money to be found to promote these kinds of projects.

Hey -- you have to give it up for New Orleanians who, despite their tragedy, setbacks, and frustrations, can still find their sense of humor!

Oh ... in case you're wondering who Ms. Herman and her husband are entrusting to fix the problem in the future, it ain't Ray Nagin, and if it were up to Ron Forman, he'd probably find a way to turn it into a mediocre golf course for his rich patrons.


At 4/18/2006 09:04:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so putting a geocache there


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