Monday, November 14, 2005

Katrina photos - St. Bernard Parish - Part 3

This dealer's cars ended up being used as a barrier to keep people from going into St. Bernard from Orleans parish.

Someone left this 3-ring binder on the ground opened to this page. I can only imagine that it was a gesture of irony, since the owners of another nursing home are being investigated for euthanizing patients, and investigations of other nursing homes and hospitals continue.

Every house down this block, and every other block in the neighborhood had 10-14 feet of water.

A wedding announcement, probably from last year, which may have been left on a refrigerator or bulletin board.

An indication of the height of flood waters are the objects left on rooftops, in trees and fences.

I missed this one when I did the Veteran's Day post.

Home sweet home.

Still to come, Mid-City (as promised earlier), and the lower 9th Ward.

2/01/2006 update: Other St. Bernard Parish photos were posted in PGR here and here.


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