People Get Ready
[ make levees, not war ]
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Hurricane Katrina

Katrina boneless chicken

Katrina Blogs & Forums
- Operation Eden Photo Blog
- Realitique
- New Orleans Metro Blog
- Your Right Hand Thief
- 2millionth web log
- the_velvet_rut
- the humid haney rant
- Yatpundit
- Lefty Blogs: Louisiana
- Katrenema
- Rebuilding New Orleans Forum
- suspect-device
- C.B. Forgotson
- World Class New Orleans
- Swamp Stories
- Hurricane Katrina & Rita Evacuation & Aftermath
- preserving NOLA
- Humid Beings New Orleans Forum
- Hurricane Katrina Survivor Stories
- Left Turn: Katrina
- polimom
- Humid Beings Forums
- Katrina Message Boards
- New Orleans' Live Journal
- Katrina Chronicles
- Wet Bank Guide
- Bits and Pieces from Katrina
- da po' blog
- Now I Know
- Slightly Above Average
- no fish, no nuts
- Ashley Morris: the blog
- The Third Battle of New Orleans
- Tim's Nameless Blog
- Moldy City
- Your Stories
- b.rox
- Alive in Truth oral histories
- Looka!
- Smirking Chimp News of New Orleans
- The Katrina Memo
- Howie Luvzus
- Maxwell's Food for Second Thought
- Library Chronicles
- CrabAppleLane Blog
- Thoughts of the Dark Rose
- Stop the Flooding
- New Orleans Before and After
- Community Gumbo
- Saintseester
- TravelingMermaid
- My Big Fat New Orleans Katrina Blog
- Confederacy of Dunces
- Flood and Loathing
- VatulBlog
- Ray in
AustinNew Orleans - Building Big Easy
- My Rants
- GulfSails
- Just Say NOLA
- Ablaze in This Haze
- Adrastos
- The Regatta Diaries
- The Automatik
- AnimaMundi
- Dirty South Bureau
- New Orleans Slate
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- The Garden of Irks and Delights
- Louisiana Political News Service
- Slimbolala
- There's N.O. pLA.ce like Home
- Katrina We Are Not OK Katrina
- New Orleans Network
- NOLA Blog
- ThinkNOLA
- Alan's Blogometer
- Ernie the Attorney
- The G Bitch Spot
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- dangerblond
- Hurricane Radio
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- T. and Sympathy
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- American Zombie
- Michael Homan
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- Humid Kitties
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- The Katrinacrat
- A View From the Evil Center
- Toulouse Street
- Thanks, Katrina
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- KBCafe: Katrina
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- Metroblogging New Orleans (Maitri)
- Becky Houtman
- Nix Bits
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- Nola Nik
- Vicky Moos
- Habitat for Urbanity
- You Know What Part
- Climate Emergency
- Emily Metzgar
- Iced Coffee and a Bagel
- Recording Katrina
- AndyAshBlog
- Fix the Gulf
- Nolafugees
- LJ - swampytad
- LJ - nolagrl
- LJ - gutterboylive
- LJ - infrogmation
- LJ - powersnatch
- Voices of New Orleans
- Where's Nagin?
- Where Y'At? New Orleans
- Suburbia
- Recall Ray Nagin petition
- Recall Ray Nagin
- Recall Ray Nagin blog
- Recall Nagin Now Yahoo Group
- Some Came Running
- Ray Mikell
- Oh Sherri, pick a name already!
- Dawnsinger
- Last Magnolia
- The Chicory
- Kirsten 2.0
- The Minority Report
Katrina media
- WTUL Community Gumbo
- WWL Streaming
- WWL Archive
- Heart of Darkness: Common Ground Relief in the Lower Ninth Ward
- Lower Ninth Ward recovery and relief operations
- The Maple Leaf re-opens
- Katrina victims wait for hours to get help in Pensacola
- New Orleans Oral History Project
- Post-Katrina Populist Funk
- NOTV Collective
- WWOZ Street Talk
Katrina Spending
Katrina GIS & Maps
- NY Times Maps
- Washington Post Elevation and Cross Section
- NOAA flood damage aerial photos
- Google/NOAA georeferenced aerial photos
- Digital Globe satellite images
- Corps levee maps
- WKRG satellite links
- The Times-Picayune 2002 series: Washing Away
- CC Technologies Flood Map
- NY Times New Orleans Map
- Levee breaks
- Hurricane protection map
- Katrina victims map
- New Orleans topography and flooding
- New Orleans elevation
- New Orleans flood depth
- The Katrina diaspora
- Dark New Orleans
- FEMA flood zone maps (likely to change)
- NOVA: Storm that Drowned a City
- NOAA National Data Buoy Center
- Katrina Telascience
- Katrina Imagery Warehouse: The Inside Story
- Levee breach map
- Brookings Institution poverty and geography
- LA Times Katrina diaspora distance
- Public Eye satellite imagery
- Multiple lines of hurricane protection
- Red Danger List
- BNOB plan maps
- Mississippi River levee system
- New Orleans elevation cross-section map
- Greater New Orleans Community Data Center
- Relocate New Orleans
- Katrina breaches
- Sediment contamination
- Dallas Morning News: Katrina's Toxic Legacy
- Green defense
Katrina Photos
- PGR: Mardi Gras costumes
- PGR: Happy Katrina Mardi Gras decorations
- PGR: Krewe of Muses parade
- PGR: Krewe of Barkus
- PGR: Krewe du Vieux
- PGR: Merry Katrina Christmas
- PGR: More New Orleans T-Shirts
- PGR: WTUL is resurrected
- PGR: WTUL resurrection
- PGR: More Katrina Christmas photos
- PGR: Katrina house fire
- PGR: Katrina refrigerators
- PGR: Katrina Christmas
- PGR: New Orleans eviction
- PGR: Mid-City, pt. 1
- PGR: Mid-City, pt. 2
- PGR: Bayou St. John rescue
- PGR: St. Bernard, pt. 1
- PGR: St. Bernard, pt. 2
- PGR: St. Bernard, pt. 3
- PGR: Thursday Katrina photos
- PGR: Monday Katrina photos
- PGR: More Katrina photos
- PGR: New Orleans gutted
- Times-Picayune Katrina photos
- A.P. Katrina photos
- user Katrina photos
- Photos
- Washington Post photo gallery
- vespa sara's photos
- Katrina's Aftermath
- NewOrleans.Com photos
- Mike Rigamer gallery
- Wild Dog Digital
- TNG: Return to Lake Vista
- Flood Street
Katrina Action
- Discussion: Conversations After the Storm
- Cleanup: Katrina Krewe
- Petition: Citizens for One Greater New Orleans
- Petition: America's Wetland coastal restoration
- Petition: National Mardi Gras
- Roast politicians: Krewe de Vieux (Feb. 11)
- Volunteer: Volunteer Match
- Katrina Aid Today
- Do Your Part
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- Learn and Serve America
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- Catholic Charities
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- Mr. Go Must Go
- Indigo Girls charity list
Katrina Politics
Katrina Calendar
Katrina Communities
- Broadmoor Improvement Association
- Mid-City Neighborhood Organization
- Gentilly Civic Improvement Association
- Maple Area Residents
- Rebuild Vista Park
- New Orleans Vietnamese Online
- Holy Cross Community 701-3740/715-9910
- Neighborhoods Planning Network
Katrina Krewes
Katrina News
- Times-Picayune
- The Gambit Weekly
- The Baton Rouge Advocate
- New Orleans City Business
- Clarion Herald
- Louisiana Politics
- AP site map
- Louisiana Weekly
- National Public Radio
- NOLA Rises
- The Center for Public Integrity
- Katrina Information Network
- * Katrina Coverage *
- The Dead Pelican
- New Orleans Voices for Peace
ReNew Orleans
- City of New Orleans situation reports
- Bring New Orleans Back Commission
- Preservation Resource Center
- PRC Links
- Justice for New Orleans
- From the Lake to the River
- Katrina Info Net
- Common Ground Collective
- New Orleans Habitat for Humanity
- T-P Mold Remediation Article
- Architecture for Humanity
- Affordable Housing Resources
- Neighborhood Housing Services
- New Orleans Neighborhoods Rebuilding Plan
- Parkway Partners
- The Urban Conservancy
- City Works
Katrina Stories
- Listen to the People
- Harvard University
- The I-10 Witness Project
- Alive in Truth
- CNN Stories
- Neighborhood Story Project
- New Orleans Oral History Project
- Hurricane Digital Memory Project
New Orleans Haunts
Katrina Environment
Katrina Art
Katrina Corporate Blogs
Other Katrina links
- American Red Cross
- City of New Orleans
- Louisiana State Police
- Town Hall
- State of Louisiana
- FEMA individual assistance info
- Times-Picayune disaster info
- Uptown slide show
- The Times-Picayune 2002 series: Washing Away
- MyAuditions Gulf Coast musicians assistance
- Hurricane Insurance Information
- Hurricane Katrina Wiki
- Louisiana Homeland Security
- US Gov't Katrina Portal
- Tulane University News
- Sept. 2002 American Radio Works - New Orleans Hurricane Risk
- Monroe KEDM reading of Mike Tidwell's Bayou Farewell
- Times-Picayune NOLA in Exile personal stories
- Dirty Coast shirts
- Home repair: Ask the Builder
- Reconstruct New Orleans
- WWL blog
- WWL TV missing persons forum
- WWL TV I'm okay forum
- Post Katrina Louisiana
- McGlinchey hurricane law blog
- Times-Picayune Mardi Gras blog
- Katrina Songs
- Carnival parade routes
- Krewe de Vieux
- Levees Not War
- New Orleans Convention & Visitor's Bureau
Inactive Katrina Links
Struggling with PTSD or Rape?
Tonia Young, 310-703-3964;
or Claude Anshin Thomas,
(JavaScript Error)
Issue Action
- Vitter cypress logging provision
- Subsidized cypress mulching
- Vitter cypress mulch provision bagged
- Willie Fontenot forced to retire
- Listen to Willie Fontenot segment
Best of the Blog
- The great tragedy of war
- John Negroponte's betrayal of American principles
- Pope John Paul II, post-Cold War anti-capitalist
- Disassembling dissembly on global warming
- It's time to wish for an army without Rumsfeld
- Red Speech vs. Blue Speech
Blogs I've started reading
- Brooklyn Vegan
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News We Can Use
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- Naked Ownership - All things legal in Louisiana
- La Board of Ethics (hee hee) - Louisiana campaign finances
- New Orleans Metro Blog
- Yat Pundit
- Yat Pundit Podcast
- Your Right Hand Thief
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- The Humid Haney Rant
- Put Up or Shut Up
- The Daily Ablution
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- Glass beehives
- Emily Metzgar
- Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans
- 2millionth web log
- Lost in NOLA
- Suspect Device Blog
- C.B. Forgotston
- The Dead Pelican
- Cutting to the Chase
- Library Chronicles
- the_velvet_rut
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Louisiana News
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- The Gambit Weekly
- The Baton Rouge Advocate
- Clarion Herald
- Louisiana Politics
- AP site map
- Louisiana Weekly
Louisiana Environment
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Louisiana Food
Wisconsonites Lost in Louisiana
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Latin America/The Caribbean
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International Development
Think Tanks
Economics- Calculated Risk
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- Google Maps API Mashups
- An Introduction to the Google Maps API
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Public Safety
Faithful Supporters
The Deep South
General Resources
- Urban Dictionary
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- EFF Legal Guide for Bloggers
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Style Reference
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- Chicago Manual of Style
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- University of Alabama Internet Style Reference
- The Slot - Washington Post Copy Editor
- Bill Walsh's Blogslot
- American Heritage Dictionary - Word Choice
Foolish Diversions
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- Got Wavs: Star Wars
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More Favorite Blogs
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- Brains and Eggs
Links I Like
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- Talk to your chump ass representative
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- The Nation
- Boing Boing
- Raw Story
- ZNet
- Daily Kos
- The Gadflyer
- Bug Me Not (web site passwords)
- Corporate Watch
- The AWOL Project
- Open Secrets - campaign finances
- History News Network
- The Unofficial Paul Krugman Archive
- Environmental Integrity Project
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- Project for the Old American Century
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- Center for American Progress
- Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists Index
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- Photomuse
- Superfamous
- U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea
- American Leftist
- Political Affairs Magazine
- Perrspectives
- Thoughts that get stuck in my head
- Lepidoptera Lady
Previous Posts
- Live chat NOW with Scott Cowen
- We don't need no stinkin' Fortune 500 companies
- "I'm not sure anybody gives a damn about us"
- Failure is not an option
- Post-Katrina crime: Murder
- Vitter disappointed by Bush's inaction
- Dohhhh ... we don't need no stinkin' engineers!
- Wal-Mart Mardi Gras?
- Levee breach map
- Starve the beast -- the beast is us
My blog is worth $54,760.38.
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[ No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare - James Madison ]
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