The Arabella catfish pond
I think I'd rather stock the pond with Mosquitofish. They're better for controlling those pesky Katrina mosquitos, but I can't say I'd want 'em in a po' boy.
The Mosquitofish
The Garden of Irks and Delights -- The Grotto
Community Gumbo -- The Broadmoor Green Space Migratory Bird Refuge Wetlands Reclamation Project
Humid City -- Thank You S&WB!
You can add this mosquito farm to the list, compliments of Loki.
Good'un! I saw that a while back, but totally forgot about it.
Count in the Marais Street retention pond too! (I call it a moat.)
I saw a small but strangely bubbling puddle from nowhere (before Saturday's rain) at Magazine amd Jefferson.
I know this sounds ridiculous, but, given the situation and the apparent impossibility of fixing it all immediately, is it a bad idea to put larvacide (sp?) pellets in the standing water? Is the poison worse than the mosquitos? I know it is done here.
Schroeder, you have the best gutter links. When things get quiet at work but not quiet enough so I can actually write something, I surf your gutter links and always find some wonderful blog I'd never noticed before.
Well, you'll have to supply a photo Morwen.
Strangely bubbling puddles seem to abound. I'm really troubled by thoughts of what might be happening to that hidden infrastructure.
I'd prefer spraying to larvacide -- but, I suppose it all ends up in the same place anyway. Actually, I don't know what it is -- the drought I suppose, or pockets of standing water -- some places seem to have more of a problem with mosquitos than others. I heard once that they travel in a territory of about a hundred yards, but not beyond. My particular spot doesn't seem to have a big problem, but go to the lower ninth ward, for example, and you'll be devoured to the bone. I hear the Mosquitofish *really* work!
Like the gutter links? I'm glad to hear it, because I was thinking I should trim.
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