Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Bush's arrogance offends mother of soldier killed in Iraq

Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, and founder of Gold Star Families for Peace, recalled on July 4th, for the first time, how her meeting with George W. Bush helped to motivate her opposition to his war in Iraq:

When Sheehan received an invitation to meet privately with President Bush at the White House two months after her son died, the least she could have expected was a bit of compassion or a kind word coming from the heart.

But what she encountered was an arrogant man with eyes lacking the slightest bit of compassion, a President totally "detached from humanity" and a man who didn’t even bother to remember her son’s name when they were first introduced.

Instead of a kind gesture or a warm handshake, Sheehan said she immediately got a taste of Bush arrogance when he entered the room and "in a condescending tone and with a disgusting loud Texas accent," said: "Who we’all honorin’ here today?"

"His mouth kept moving, but there was nothing in his eyes or anything else about him that showed me he really cared or had any real compassion at all. This is a human being totally disconnected from humanity and reality. His eyes were empty, hollow shells and he was acting like I should be proud to just be in his presence when it was my son who died for his illegal war!
Reported in Bellaciao.


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