Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Moron

Dan Balz wrote in The Washington Post:

The coming year in many ways represents another national campaign for the president, aimed at preserving the gains his party has made in the past five years, as well as rehabilitating a reputation that has come under brutal assault from the opposition in recent months.

Brutal assault? From the Democrats?

What reputation to rehabilitate? Don't we all know him to be a moron and a compulsive liar?


At 1/30/2006 06:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I guess if you want to call "revealing the truth" a "brutal assault", then I suppose opponents (and previous friends) or the administration are assaulting the crap out of the neo-con madness our government seems to have fallen under.

At 1/30/2006 06:28:00 PM, Blogger The Author said...

So you can invade a couple of countries under extremely dubious circumstances, steal one, if not two, elections, and defame the competition and lie to your constituents, but calling you on any of that is "brutal" while what you did was "leadership." If that's the case, I suggest we redefine "rape" as "courtship."


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