Sunday, February 12, 2006

There are two possible futures for Louisiana

In Future 1, Louisiana legislators send a message of unity and competence to Washington. We’re organized and accountable. Trust and credibility are restored. Billions of federal dollars are released. Our state economy recovers. All of Louisiana prospers.

In Future 2, Louisiana legislators send the opposite message. We lose credibility and trust. Washington doesn’t fund rebuilding adequately. Baton Rouge loses 35% of its tax revenues from a shattered southeast Louisiana. The entire state economy suffers. Statewide taxes increase.

The Boasso Unified Levee Board legislation (Senate Bill 8) means vital flood protection to southeast Louisiana. But, it also means economic recovery for the entire state, with less risk of state tax increases for northern and central Louisiana.

Critical votes are occurring in this week’s special session. Contact these priority legislators for this issue TODAY.

Our future is in the hands of our legislators. Email the priority legislators today and tell them to let the greater good for Louisiana guide their vote. Local interests are surely important, but not as important as what we can accomplish for our entire state by passing this legislation.

Thank you for your support!

Citizens for 1 Greater New Orleans


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