Thursday, August 03, 2006

Brownie still doing a heckuva job

A little stale, but the story still merits attention for a good laugh (or a good cry).

Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Miss, fired back at the "incompetent" former FEMA director after Brown took a jab at him in a Playboy interview:

"Brown should consider himself a lucky man," he said in a statement. "Had I known before the hearing that he was up in Baton Rouge ordering steaks on his government credit card at the same time the people of South Mississippi were resorting to police-sanctioned looting to feed themselves, I would have done more than just verbally kick his butt."

But check out the soft characterization of President Bush's complete incompetence and negligence in the week (and months) after Hurricane Katrina in the last paragraph of The Times-Picayune story:
Only days before Brown quit FEMA under fire, President Bush told him, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." The catchphrase has since become synonymous with widely viewed perceptions the government was overwhelmed in the days immediately after Katrina hit.

Huh? "Widely viewed perceptions"? -- as though there's some controversy about the complete failure of the emergency preparedness system commanded by the self-proclaimed "war president"? And "overwhelmed" is putting it pretty mildly I'd say for a president who remained on vacation while New Orleans drowned, and a bureaucracy that took days to get caught up with what CNN was reporting.

Hat tip: scout_prime.

Tags: Bush is a moron | Impeach Bush | George W Bush | Worst President Ever |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 


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