People Get Ready
[ make levees, not war ]
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Hurricane Katrina

Katrina boneless chicken

Katrina Blogs & Forums
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- NOVA: Storm that Drowned a City
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Katrina Photos
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- PGR: Happy Katrina Mardi Gras decorations
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- PGR: Krewe of Barkus
- PGR: Krewe du Vieux
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- PGR: WTUL resurrection
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- PGR: Katrina Christmas
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- PGR: Mid-City, pt. 1
- PGR: Mid-City, pt. 2
- PGR: Bayou St. John rescue
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- PGR: St. Bernard, pt. 2
- PGR: St. Bernard, pt. 3
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- Petition: America's Wetland coastal restoration
- Petition: National Mardi Gras
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- T-P Mold Remediation Article
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New Orleans Haunts
Katrina Environment
Katrina Art
Katrina Corporate Blogs
Other Katrina links
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- City of New Orleans
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- Town Hall
- State of Louisiana
- FEMA individual assistance info
- Times-Picayune disaster info
- Uptown slide show
- The Times-Picayune 2002 series: Washing Away
- MyAuditions Gulf Coast musicians assistance
- Hurricane Insurance Information
- Hurricane Katrina Wiki
- Louisiana Homeland Security
- US Gov't Katrina Portal
- Tulane University News
- Sept. 2002 American Radio Works - New Orleans Hurricane Risk
- Monroe KEDM reading of Mike Tidwell's Bayou Farewell
- Times-Picayune NOLA in Exile personal stories
- Dirty Coast shirts
- Home repair: Ask the Builder
- Reconstruct New Orleans
- WWL blog
- WWL TV missing persons forum
- WWL TV I'm okay forum
- Post Katrina Louisiana
- McGlinchey hurricane law blog
- Times-Picayune Mardi Gras blog
- Katrina Songs
- Carnival parade routes
- Krewe de Vieux
- Levees Not War
- New Orleans Convention & Visitor's Bureau
Inactive Katrina Links
Struggling with PTSD or Rape?
Tonia Young, 310-703-3964;
or Claude Anshin Thomas,
(JavaScript Error)
Issue Action
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- Vitter cypress mulch provision bagged
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- Listen to Willie Fontenot segment
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- Perrspectives
- Thoughts that get stuck in my head
- Lepidoptera Lady
Previous Posts
- Louisiana's disappearing coast
- Make levees, not war
- Get off your asses and do something, part 2
- Time for Nagin to prove himself, or step aside
- Bush: Do as I say, not as I do
- New Orleans pride displayed in T-shirt designs
- New Orleans topography and flooding
- It's time to kick ass on price-gouging, profiteeri...
- More post-Katrina blogger photos
My blog is worth $54,760.38.
How much is your blog worth?
[ No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare - James Madison ]
These photos are great. I hope you're making a book with your collection of photos. It would probably be a best seller.
at the poor box, does everyone jump in? ;-)
Spitting in a Wishing Well
My Son went to St. Louise last year. My Husband and I returned to N.O. last week and went into the school. Unreal. Just driving up to it, I was horrified and began crying. The people who were part of SLS were some of the best people alive. We moved to NOLA from out of town and they welcomed us with open arms. These people took care of my Son when he was in school. They taught and nurtured him. Please say a prayer for these faithful, sweet, hardworking people. -M.V.
Thanks M.V. for posting your reflections and prayer request.
Rest assured that your parish and community are all in our thoughts and prayers.
I pray that citizens of your community receive the material assistance they need and deserve to restart their lives.
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